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Lucia Sciannimanico is primarily a specialist of baroque music. However, she is also at home with a vast repertoire that includes medieval and renaissance, modern and contemporary music as well as cabaret performances, musical theatre for children and concerto scenico. She divides her time between concert performances, opera and festivals appearances.
Her repertoire includes Passions, Masses and Oratorios by Bach, Händel, Vivaldi, Mozart, Haydn, Rossini and Mendelssohn.
She has performed on stage in many operas, including Monteverdi’s L’incoronazione di Poppea, Vivaldi’s Arsilda regina di Ponto, Orlando Furioso, Tito Manlio, Juditha Triumphans (“Un des meilleurs Holofernes jamais entendus avec Sciannimanico, à la fois colorée et cuivrée, qui sait donner l’épaisseur au rôle sans l’alourdir” - Diapason, February 2003) and several others, such as Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas, Cavalli’s La Didone, M.A. Cesti’s La Dori, Händel’s Deidamia, Aci, Galatea and Polifemo and Imeneo, A. Scarlatti’s Caino. She has also performed as Zweite Dame in Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte, as Cherubino in Le nozze di Figaro, and in the title roles in Humperdinck’s Haensel und Gretel and in Tutino’s Pinocchio.
She has collaborated with a number of distinguished musical institutions and festivals, including Teatro Comunale of Florence, Teatro Verdi of Pisa, Ravenna Festival, Teatro Metastasio of Prato, Teatro Regio of Turin, Macerata Opera, Teatro Comunale of Bologna, Teatro Comunale of Treviso, Accademia Chigiana, Händel Festspiele Halle, Early Music Festival in Regensburg, Opera Barga, Altstadtherbst Kulturfestival Duesseldorf, Musikfestspiele Potsdam, Théatre des Champs-Elysée, Teatro S. Carlo of Naples; she has worked with conductors like Peter Maag, Alan Curtis, Piero Bellugi, J.C. Malgoire, F.M. Sardelli, Alessandro De Marchi, Enrique Mazzola, Nicola Luisotti, Nicholas Cleoubury, Antonio Florio, G.G. Rath.
In September 2006 she recorded with La Cappella della Pietà de’ Turchini a CD with Provenzale and Caresana musics, for the label Opus111; she sang also for CD labels Glossa, Tactus, CPO, Symphonia, West Deutsche Rundfunk.
In 1992 she won the prize for the best songs performance at the Grimsby’s International Competition with Cabaret Songs of Britten and she often performs in concerts lieder and mèlodies. Together with Notschibikitschi Ensamble, she performed Dalla Piccola’s Goethe Lieder and a rare repertoir from Mozart to contemporary music for a three clarinets and three voices ensemble. She is also member of Ensemble Arlecchino, dedicated to divulging XXth century music for the youngest, and together with Elastico-Spazio Sonoro Contemporaneo she performs works of authors who explores voice’s potential concerning the musical language.
She performed also Stripsody of C. Berberian, Laborintus and Cries of London of L. Berio and some painting scores of S. Bussotti.