Carnaval des animaux Print


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In collaboration with VCO Azzurra TV

  • In the day participants in the concert may visit Villa Pallavicino Gardens with a special ticket at € 5,00 instead of € 9,00.

    The discount is given exclusively at theVilla Pallavicino box office, against concert ticket or purchasing the two tickets together.
    In collaboration with Amministrazione Villa Pallavicino
  • Concert scheduled at 10.30 a.m. is performed exclusively for schools

Saturday May 16 2009, 5.00 p.m.
STRESA, Villa Pallavicino

It is an open-air concert and starts at 5.00 p.m.


The Israel Philharmonic Brass Quintet

Ram Oren, trumpet
Yigal Meltzer, trumpet
Michael Slatkin, horn
Shemuel Hershko, tuba
Daniele Morandini, trombone

J. Strauss, Amor Marsch
J.S. Bach, Contrapunctus n. 9
G. Gabrieli, Canzona Septimi Toni
G.F. Händel, Water Music Suite
V. Ewald, Quintet no. 2 

C. Saint-Saëns, Carnaval des animaux (arranged for the Istrael Philharmonic Brass Quintet by Micha Davis)

Concert's notes

pallavicino2_p.jpgSituated few minutes walking from the imbarcadero di Stresa, Villa Pallavicino, facing one of the most beautiful panoramas of Lake Maggiore, is surrounded by an enormous park with a botanic garden and a zoo.