Silvia Frasson Print

frasson Silvia Frasson was born at Chianciano Terme, in the hills of Tuscany. She attended the Milan Civica Scuola d’Arte Drammatica “Paolo Grassi” where she graduated in 2001. During her training she has worked with Italian and foreign directors and artists: Gabriele Vacis, Massimo Navone, Jurij Alschitz, Kuniaki Ida, Jerzy Stuhr, Duccio Bellugi Vannuccini (Theatre du Soleil), Julie Stanzak, Marcel Marceau. After graduating, she started working with the Teatro Argentina in Rome in the play Quando si è qualcuno with Giorgio Albertazzi and in the drama Ecuba by Euripides at the Istituto del Dramma Antico in Siracusa with Elisabetta Pozzi, both directed by Massimo Castri. After that, she began working with the Teatro Metastasio di Prato, acting in Frankenstein directed by Stefano Massini and in the musical L’isola dei Pappagalli, directed by Aldo Tarabella. Then she met Andrea Portera and joined in a project of the Scuola di Musica in Fiesole, Florence, as a narrative voice in a reading of the Favole al telefono, with orchestra and original music by students from the composition class. At the same time, parallel to her stage career, she started working as an author and story teller. She made her debut in 2001 with the first play written and performed by herself. Since then she has been writing and telling stories with music.
She lives in Florence.